miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

I'm Sorry

"When the morning comes will I be able to see you again
I'll love you like the first time we met....

For some reason, your [empty] seat feels so empty
All day I cry..

I'm sorry for hurting you
I'm sorry for doing nothing for you

I'm sorry for not forgetting you
I'm sorry, but today
I want to see you one last time

But I gave you scars
my sincere apology is late
I'll give you all my tears
please forgive me, I'll beg on my knees

Please give me a chance
I was so sorry I ripped up all the letters
I just have something to say, give me a minute

If you still want me in your heart
I ll hold you like that day when we were happy

Those past days were hard for you
no one lent a helping hand

I'll always be on your side I wont burden you anymore

How many pains
How many accidents

How many tears you shed alone
How many pains

How many accidents
How many tears hurt you

I'm sorry for hurting you
I'm sorry for not forgetting you

I'm sorry for not forgetting you
I'm really sorry, I love you"

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